Transportation of cargo across Ukraine by road transport is one of the main areas of activity of the Vist 2013 company. Working since 2013 in the cargo transportation market, we have gained a lot of experience that allows us to implement projects of any scale and complexity today.
Thanks to the establishment of logistics chains and the work of our professionals, we carry out international cargo transportation at the highest level of service. Therefore, by using the services of our company, the client gets rid of all unnecessary troubles, and can entrust the solution of all organizational issues to the logistics company Vist 2013.
The transport company Vist 2013 provides a complex of high-quality services for the transportation of various cargoes in Ukraine and Europe. We have our own fleet of trucks specialized for different types of loads, such as grain trucks, tank trucks, container trucks, and flatbed trucks for a wide range of cargo. You can choose exactly the type of transport that is necessary for you. Learn more about each mode of transport by choosing one of them.
Відправте нам ваш контактний номер телефону і ми передзвонимо вам так швидко, як тільки це можливо.
Прорахунок перевезення вантажу
Залиште будь ласка ваші контактні дані, і ми звʼяжемося з вами як найшвидше. Наші менеджери зʼясують з вами всі деталі вантажу, маршруту та зроблять прорахунок.
Call back
Send us your contact phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Miscalculation of cargo transportation
Please leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible. Our managers will find out with you all the details of the cargo, the route and make a miscalculation.